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Fauna & Flora


LITTLE GREEN BEE-EATER ( Insectivorus ) 5 Stamps - Series of 25 Stamps

ASIAN PARADISE FLYCATCHER (Insectivorus ) 5 Stamps -Resident Birds of Sri Lanka- Series of 25 Stamps

MALABAR TROGAN (Insectvorus) 5 Stamps -Resident Birds of Sri Lanka-Series of 25 Stamps

WHITE -RUMPED SHAMA- Insectivorus ( 5 Stamps) Series of 25 Stamps

SCARLET MINIVET - Insectivorus (5 Stamps ) Resident Birds of Sri Lanka -Series of 25 Stamps

WHITE THROATED KINGFISHER-Water Based Resident Birds of Sri Lanka (5 Stamps)

GRAY HERON-Water Associated Resident Birds of Sri Lanka (5 Stamps )

PURPLE SWAMPHEN- Water Associated Resident Birds of Sri Lanka (5 Stamps)