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General Celebrations


UNION HALL - Centenary of Dutch Burger Union

POST BOXES - World Post Day 2008

Bodhisathwa Vajrapani & Avalokitheswara Statues - Ancient Sri Lanka- Series (111) Series of 5 Stamps

Bangle, Pendent, Anklet and Necklace Terracotta Beads - Ancient Sri Lanka - Series (111) Series of 5 Stamps

Urinal Stone at Western Monastries, Anuradhapura - Ancient Sri Lanka - Series (111) - Series of 5 Stamps

Remnanats of Medirigiriya (7th Century) Ancient Sri Lanka -Series (111) Series of 5 Stamps

50th Anniversary of EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (E.P.F)

SIGIRI PAINTING, FLAGS & EMBLEM - 15th SAARC Summit - 2008 Colombo