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Religious Celebrations


DEVOTEES AT A BUDDHIST TEMPLE - 1st Anniversary of Poya Holiday Ststem - Series of 4 Stamps

UNESCO EMBLEM - 20th Anniversary of UNESCO - Series of 2 Stamps

MOTH & COMET AIRCRAFT - 25th Anniversary of Air Ceylon Service

HAND OF PEACE WITHIN A PANDOL - Definitive Issue - 1958 - Series of 2 Stamps

LAMP STAND & DHAMMACHCHAKA - Definitive Issue 1958 - Series of 2 Stamps

DHAMMACHCHAKA ENCIRCLING THE GLOBE - Sambuddha Jayanthi 2500 - Series of 2 Stamps

ARRIVAL OF VIJAYA IN SRI LANKA - Sambudda Jayanthi - 2500 Buddish Era (2nd Issue ) Series of 2 Stamps

HAND OF PEACE WITHIN A PANDOL - Sambuddha Jayanthi -2500 - Buddhist Era (1st Issue) Series of 2 Stamps