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Wildlife and Nature


YAKKIRALA / GALKIRALA ( Sonneratia alba ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stamps

KALU KADOL ( Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stamps

MUTTIKADOL ( Xylocarpus granatum ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stamps

SUWANDA ( Mesua stylosa ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stamps

HORAWEL ( Stemanoporus moonii ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stampsy

GINPOL ( Nypa fruticans ) World Wetlands Day -Series of 10 Stamps

MALKADOL ( Bruguiera gymnorhiza ) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stampsds Day

MALKADOL (Bruguiera cylindrica) World Wetlands Day - Series of 10 Stamps