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Fauna & Flora


KARUGE AN KATUSSA ( Ceratophora karu )Wild Species threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

PANDUWAN BASSA ( Otus thilohoffmanni ) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

RANWALLEGE AN GAS GEMBA ( Polypedates ranwellai ) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

BANDURA ( Nepenthes distillatoria ) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

DILIRATH SEVVANDIYA (Pachliopta hector) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

HELIGE RUK HEERALUWA ( Dasia haliana ) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

KABALLAAWA (Manis crassicaudata ) Wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps

RASSANA (Vanda tessellata ) wild Species Threatened by Trade in Sri Lanka - Series of 20 Stamps