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Fauna & Flora


Wild Animals of Sri Lanka - Sri Lankan Junglefowl (Gallus lafayetti) Series of 3 Stamps

Wild Animals of Sri Lanka - Grizzled giant Squirrel (Ratufa macroura) Series of 3 Stamps

Wild Animals of Sri Lanka - Sri Lankan birdwing (Troides darsius) Series of 3 Stamps

BLACK HEADED ORIOLE - Typical Birds of Ceylon - Series of 4 Stamps

JUNGLE FOWL - Typical Birds of Ceylon - Series of 4 Stamps

PEACOCK - Typical birds of Ceylon - Series of 4 Stamps

GRACKLE - Typical Birds of Ceylon - Series of 4 Stamps

'SHOE FLOWER' HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS -Flowers of Sri Lanka -Series of 4 Stamps